Friend of the VMP Sponsor Spotlight: Urbanicity
Happy Friday!
Today we have a new kind of post! We’ll be taking a look at one of our ‘Friend of The Vintage Marketplace’ Sponsors, Urbanicity
Read our interview with Martinus, CEO of MGi Media and owner, publisher and editor of urbanicity magazine.
Tell us about your business.
MGi Media is a Hamilton-based media firm that offers design and local distribution of advertising media. From brokering sponsorships to operating bus tours, and from running the Hamilton24 Festival to publishing urbanicity, MGi Media is a unique company that operates under the motto Opportunity for Everyone.
Please provide any up-and-coming events or news for your business.
MGi Media is currently preparing to operate a bus tour to Pittsburgh at the end of April, and will be celebrating the second anniversary of urbanicity, Hamilton’s premiere urban magazine, with the release of the May 2013 issue on May 3rd.
Why did you decide to come on as a Friend of the VMP 2013 sponsor?
The VMP show is a great example of entrepreneurship (on the part of the organizers), and a perfect example of the type of cultural energy that is transforming downtown Hamilton.
If you could run your business in any other decade, which would you choose and why?
I would probably choose to run my business in the 1950s if not now. The 1950s were a decade of boom for media, advertising, and business in general. Added to that, people wore suits, hats, and still generally conducted themselves with a significant level of public sophistication and etiquette. Perhaps my idea of the 50s is through the lens of Mad Men, but I find that there was a certain glamour about cities and business in that era.
Do you have a favourite vintage item, style or interest?
I’d have to say men’s accessories – watches, canes, sunglasses, etc.
What are you most looking forward to seeing at VMP?
The result of the hard work of the VMP team, and the wide variety of goods available from different eras!
How can our readers connect with you?
You can find the urbanicity website at www.urbanicity.ca on Twitter at @urbanicityYHM and on Facebook as well.
Well, I hope you enjoyed our second blog post this week! Look forward to our next one, and have a great weekend.
The Vintage Marketplace is only 50 days away!