Vendor Spotlight: Eye Of Faith
Read about what makes this company so exciting and diverse,
and where this vintage clothing & lifestyle store finds their inspiration!
Where did your love for vintage come from?
I think undoubtedly for the both of us, the biggest influence in our love for vintage has been film. Both movies we’ve grown up with and the movies that continue to inspire us over the years inspire us and take us to other worlds we otherwise would not be a part of. Vintage, in effect, became a way to bring these imaginary worlds into our own reality.
Have you ever loved a piece so much you decided to keep it for yourself? If so, what was it?
All the time. Being a true lover a vintage, that has to be the hardest thing about being in this business – having to put your finds to market. The pieces we gather really are all pieces we would wear, and some of our favourite pieces we put to the sales floor, but there have been some great finds that we have kept for ourselves including a recent purchase of brown leather woven patchwork shoes from the 70s that have the most luxurious yet antiquated quality to them. This would be the most recent example of a piece we loved so much we had to keep for ourselves!
What’s your favorite vintage film?
Oh no! This one could end up a doozy, but we will try to keep it brief. We have many favourite vintage films, and it seems like over the years the list keeps growing. For style inspiration, some of our favourite films would include “Fellini’s 8 ½”, “Blow Up”, “Blue Velvet”, “Purple Noon”, “A Streetcar Named Desire”, “Rebel Without a Cause”, “Badlands”, “Chinatown”, “E.T. The Extra Terrestrial” and anything by Kenneth Anger.
If you could own any piece from the past (jewellery, clothing, furniture, art etc.) what would it be?
If we could own any piece from the past it would have to be a 1940s era satin souvenir jacket from Japan, or a 1940s handpainted USAAF A-2 leather jacket.
Did you always know that you would start this business?
No. I don’t think it was ever in the cards for either of us growing up, however, as time prevailed, things just began happening that made it all too clear that this is what we were meant to be doing!
What is the most rewarding thing about owning your own business?
The most rewarding thing about owning your own business is that there is no fear that you would could get fired, and that you make your own rules in the game.
What is it about pop-up shops and marketplace style events that you find the most exciting?
We got our start in the business by doing pop-up shops and marketplace style events in Toronto, and we always found it a rewarding experience. By the end of the day, you end up making so many friends with other vendors, whom all share this bond of collecting and selling these amazing time travelled pieces, and you also get the chance to meet so many cool and interesting people throughout the day who have come to check out the goods. So all in all, it has always been the top of our list of things we love to do with our business.
What about The Vintage Marketplace 2014 are you the most enthusiastic about?
We are most enthusiastic about getting a chance to put a face to our name, and meeting the vintage-minded people of Hamilton and the surrounding area who are coming to visit the show!
What are you most excited to show your shoppers at The Vintage Marketplace?
We have many exciting things in store for our shoppers, but as we are The Eye of Faith, we’re going to have to leave a little suspense and mystery
Final message to shoppers:
Be sure to check out our website and online magazine http://theeyeoffaith.com
for hundreds of vintage musings to inspire and stimulate! We cover dozens of topics from the weird to the mysterious, the classic, and beyond. Our partnerships have included Marks & Spencer, the Art Gallery of Ontario, and we have had our site featured on Refinery29! Why not escape the everyday today, and fall down the rabbit hole . . .