Sponsor Spotlight: Decor On A Dime
Season’s greetings! There’s only one week left to finish all your holiday shopping in time, but one of our Presenting Sponsors might be able to help cross a few names off of your holiday gift list.
Décor on a Dime’s sense of community, friendly attitude, and of course, their love of vintage made them a perfect choice for The Vintage Marketplace to partner up with.
We are certainly excited to have Décor on a Dime as a Presenting Partner and member of the #VMP2013 family!
We’d like to thank Michelle for taking the time to chat with us and we hope you will enjoy learning more about their organization in the following interview…
Tell us a little bit about Décor on a Dime
Décor on a Dime is a consignment shop that sells gently used, furniture and decor. We specialize in small decor items, such as things that we all remember growing up with or seeing in Grandmas house. We also have a 3700 square foot showroom full of furniture and we sell new gift items. You can spend 2 hours in here and not see everything.
Why did you decide to come on as a VMP 2013 Presenting Partner?
I like the idea of a group of vintage sellers being all together under one roof. It will also be excellent exposure for Decor on a Dime
If you could run your business in any other decade, which would you choose and why?
I would pick the 50’s as it was after the war and the depression.
Do you have a favourite vintage item, style or interest?
I love classic antiques 20’s and 30’s especially. I also love carnival glass and any coloured glass
What are you most looking forward to seeing at VMP?
I am looking forward to vintage clothing and fashions.
How can we connect with you?
Website: www.decoronadime.ca
Facebook: Decor on a Dime
Twitter: Decor_On_A_Dime